Road Warriors Go the Distance in Support of Military

This Year’s 4-Day, Cross-Country Ride Kicks off June 27.
Bikers from the around the country will meet up in Bettendorf, Iowa on June 27, 2015 to show their support — and raise money — for our country's Navy SEALs.
The Thank The SEALs Motorcycle Ride is organized by Your Grateful Nation — a 501 (c)(3) public charity dedicated to helping special forces military personnel make the often difficult transition from the battlefield to the boardroom.
Following an opening ceremony led by the Mayor of Bettendorf that includes police escort, bikers will hit the road for a 4-day ride to Texas, regrouping along the way at designated Harley Davidson dealerships. Once they've crossed the finish line in Dallas on July 1, they'll be welcomed with a barbecue celebration and ceremony, where bikers will be personally thanked by active and retired Navy SEALs, including Robert J. O'Neill — the Navy SEAL that took the Osama bin Laden kill shot.
Get more information, or register for the event. Don't ride? Learn how you can support military veterans in need through Your Grateful Nation.
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